Join the uncharted podcast

The journey of faith is a dynamic experience. In 2021 we will be launching a new podcast where we want to participate in sharing and hearing your journey. We are in a season of our world that is loaded with scandal, political division, and religious tension. When the journey of faith reveals itself not to be linear, formulaic, reductive or transactional, as the pre-existing structures try to make it, we feel exiled, hurt or confused. We’ve heard from many people the struggle and difficulty they have had not only with their faith, but also with the communities, families, and friendships to which they belong.

We desire to give you a space to share about these challenges as a method of process and hope that others could hear, relate and grow from your experience.

We will be recording these episodes between now and into 2021, and if you would like to be a guest and share about your journey, we’d be honored to chat. Please fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch shortly.